MD Notes (your weekly dose of motivation)
In these trying times, we were stretched to our limits and resources as we together overcome these difficulties in life. And one of the significant realizations that this pandemic brought to us is that we need each other to get through this. Many people step up to help, many charitable works emerge like the community pantries, feeding programs and many others.
There is no more room for selfishness, crab mentality and self-serving disposition. As Christians, our mission to serve others, not only with our loved ones or closest to us, were definitely tested.

Jesus is inviting us to exercise Christian love through our humble and charitable ACTS:
A – Allow others to get involve in the mission. We are all instruments of God’s hands to perform miracle. All of us have different gifts that we can share.
C – Collaborate and do not compete. Pope Francis is calling for solidarity and to avoid division in the church. We are brothers and sisters and called into one mission: TO LOVE.
T – TRUST and empower others. The Church is not exclusive so invite others in the mission of Jesus. Motivate others and encourage one another to do good, think good, and be good.
S – Serve with love and not with jealousy. Do not let this kind of act destroy our relationship with one another. Do not fall for this. Let our love for others control us instead.
Jesus is calling all of us to follow him and to bring many people closer to him. Be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus everyday. `