MD Notes (your weekly dose of motivation)
C-O-D on your cart!!!
Do you buy regularly in Shopee, Lazada and other online shops? They are always on sale and let people pays COD! But we encourage you to start your day in adding the most important thing, not in your cart but in your heart. Add in your heart the one that can fill you up and recharge your spirit. Add Jesus in your life.
Let me tell you, JESUS also is offering COD to put order in your life:

Cleanse your thoughts and have faith in Jesus in order to understand and accept the message of salvation.
Open your heart and develop it as a fertile ground where the Word of God can be planted and grow so you will not be like the followers in the Gospel who were disturbed and drifted away.
Deepen your knowledge about God and equip yourself with the Catholic teachings of the Church to strengthen you to be a true believer of your faith in God.
So what are you waiting for? Put COD on your Hart to enjoy life even during this time of pandemic.